Health & Safety
Providing a safe and healthy work and learning environment for all employees and students.
It is the policy of the White Bear Lake Area Schools to provide a safe and healthy work and learning environment for all employees and students. The District will provide appropriate equipment, safeguards, personal protection, training and administrative support to protect employee safety and health. District employees will be trained to work safely and will be required to comply with all safety rules and standards.
- Background
- Accident and Injury Reduction Program (AWAIR)
- Communicating Programs to District Employees
- Enforcing Safe Work Practices and Rules
- Identifying, Analyzing and Controlling Hazards
- Pesticide/Herbicide Program
- Health and Safety Handbook
- Online Staff Training
- Health and Safety Committee
- Health and Safety Program Responsibilities
The Minnesota Occupational Safety and Health program (MNOSHA) requires employers with higher than average injury and illness rates to develop a comprehensive written health and safety program. Although these programs are considered optional for most schools, the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) has encouraged school districts to develop and implement accident and injury reduction programs and other health and safety management programs.
The purpose of A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Program (AWAIR) is to reduce employee injuries and illnesses by identifying, analyzing and controlling hazards. Under these programs, all accidents and near misses are to be investigated and measures are to be taken to correct problems. Employers are expected to develop and enforce mandatory safe work practices, while providing the equipment and safeguards necessary for employees to work safely. These plans must be communicated to employees so they can participate and take an active role in health and safety. Employers with more than 25 employees are expected to form a joint health and safety committee to involve employees in the program.
Accident and Injury Reduction Program (AWAIR)
The White Bear Lake Area School District has developed A Workplace Program for Accident and Injury Reduction (AWAIR) to establish and implement a written program promoting safe and healthful working conditions based on clearly stated goals and objectives. This program includes requirements covered under Minnesota Statutes 182.653, A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction Act. In addition, written management programs have been developed and implemented for 27 other health and safety areas.
Program Goals
- Continuously reduce annual lost workday incident rate for each district location below level from previous year.
- Bring each building into compliance with applicable occupational safety and health (MNOSHA) regulations identified in health and safety audits.
- Implement continuing, effective health and safety programs to provide district employees with a safe and healthful workplace.
- Actively encourage district employee involvement in health and safety programs.
Program Objectives
- Assign responsibilities.
- Establish systems for identifying, analyzing and controlling hazards.
- Communicate program effectively and encourage employee participation.
- Investigate all incidents.
- Enforce safe work practices and rules.
Copies of the District AWAIR Program are available to employees upon request.
Communicating Programs to District Employees
Employees are encouraged to get involved in district health and safety programs. Health and safety information and training are provided to employees through this web site, employee handouts, and departmental training sessions. District employees are encouraged to speak up about their health and safety concerns. If questions or problems cannot be resolved at the building level, the Health and Safety Coordinator will assist in finding a prompt response and resolution. To improve employee compliance with requirements and participation in safety-related matters, the Health and Safety Committee members are asked to:
- Post copies of safety meeting minutes
- Ask coworkers for suggestions and input
Communicate about safety issues and encourage safe behavior
Enforcing Safe Work Practices and Rules
To ensure safe work practices and rules are consistently enforced, the Health and Safety Coordinator oversees these measures:
- Enforcing safe work practices and rules consistently among district employees
- Retraining employees if initial training appears to be ineffective
- Enforcing and documenting progressive discipline program
Identifying, Analyzing and Controlling Hazards
The Health and Safety Coordinator oversees implementation and maintenance of health and safety management programs and MNOSHA compliance activities. Routine site visits and program reviews are conducted at each district location to verify compliance or identify hazardous conditions and work practices.
Written management programs have been developed for the following health and safety areas:
- Art Safety
- Asbestos Program
- AWAIR - Safety Committee (Accident & Injury Reduction Program)
- Bloodborne Pathogens Program
- Community Right-to-Know Program
- Compressed Gas Safety Program
- Confined Space Entry Program
- Emergency Action and Fire Prevention Program
- Employee Right-to-Know Program Program
- Ergonomics Program
- First Aid/CPR/AED Program
- Food Service Safety Program
- Hazardous Air Emissions (Boilers) Program
- Hazardous Waste Program
- Hearing Conservation Program
- Indoor Air Quality Program
- Integrated Pest Management Program
- Laboratory Safety - Chemical Hygiene Program
- Lead-in-Water & Lead-in-Paint Program
- Lockout/Tagout - Energy Control Program
- OSHA Inspections, 300 Logs
- Personal Protective Equipment Program
- Playground Safety Program
- Radon
- Respiratory Protection Program
- Technology Education Safety Program
- USTs/ASTs - Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks
- Miscellaneous - Bleacher Safety
Hazardous Incident/Accident Investigations
All hazardous incidents ("near misses") and accidents are to be investigated and corrective actions taken. The Health and Safety Coordinator oversees health and safety investigations, including:
- Maintaining form(s) to report, document and analyze all incidents
- Promptly performing hazardous incident ("near miss") and accident investigations
- Implementing corrective actions to prevent repeat incidents
Hazard Controls
To implement and maintain required safety controls, steps taken by the Health and Safety Coordinator include:
- Assigning highest priority to safety-related maintenance work orders
- Overseeing purchase of needed controls such as equipment/product replacement
- Overseeing purchase of appropriate personal protective equipment Providing additional employee training as needed
Pesticide/Herbicide Program
Pesticide/Herbicide Program
A Minnesota state law went into effect in year 2000 that requires schools to inform parents/guardians and employees if they apply certain pesticides on school property.
Specifically, this law requires schools that apply these pesticides to maintain an estimated schedule of pesticide applications and to make the schedule available to parents and guardians for review or copying at each school office. The White Bear Lake Area School District decided that in addition to the schedule being available from each building principal, it would also be posted on the district website.
State law also requires that you be told that the long-term effects on children from the application of such pesticides or the class of chemicals to which they belong may not be fully understood.
Parents of students may request to receive, at their expense, prior notification of any application of a pest control material, should such an application be deemed necessary on a day different from the days specified below. Requests need to be on file with the Building Operations Department.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Dan Roeser, Health and Safety Coordinator, at 651-407-7633.
Pesticide/Herbicide Application Schedule
Pesticides and Herbicides are applied both inside district buildings and on the grounds surrounding the buildings.
INTERNAL applications of pesticides are performed by a district vendor, in order to control rodents, insects, and other pests in and around the buildings. The program consists of:
- Inspections and monitoring to determine whether pests are present, and whether any treatment is needed;
- Recommendations for maintenance and sanitation to help eliminate pests without the need for pest control materials;
- Utilization of non-chemical measures such as traps, caulking and screening; and
- Application of EPA-registered pest control materials when needed (pest control materials are not necessarily applied on every service visit).
Pests can sting, bite, cause contamination, damage property, and spread disease; therefore, we must prevent and control them. All pest control materials are chosen and applied according to label directions and per Federal law.
All services will be performed on the days scheduled, or per request of Dan Roeser, Health and Safety Coordinator, except during summer months when school is not in session.
* Except for the Labor Day Holiday
Health and Safety Handbook
Click here to view the Health and Safety Program Summary.
Online Staff Training
White Bear Lake Area Schools District uses the SafeSchools Training system to complete your mandatory safety and FERPA training for the 2019-2020 school year. You'll be able to complete your training via the Internet at your convenience - even from the comfort of your own home if you choose! The site will be open to all staff beginning late September 2019. You will be getting an email invite. This is mandatory training for all staff and must be completed by Dec. 31, 2019.
How to log on to the SafeSchools Online Training Program
- Using your web browser, go to the web page by typing in or copy and paste the following link. (No www is necessary.)
- To access your assigned training, enter your username, which is your District email address.
- Your assigned course or courses will be listed on your personal SafeSchools Training home page under "Mandatory Training" Complete before 12/31/19.
- Select any course by simply clicking on the name of the course. The courses have audio so turn up your speakers if you wish to hear the narration. Complete all the training scenarios and the assessment to receive completion credit for the course. You will have the option to print out a Certification of Completion once you successfully complete the course.
- More information about the District's Health and Safety programs including the blood borne exposure packet can be found on the District Website or by contacting:
Health and Safety Committee
Environmental Health and Safety Committee
Committee Members
Goals & Activities
The District has chosen to develop a joint management-labor Environmental Safety and Health Committee. The Health and Safety Coordinator maintains records of committee activities, including meeting minutes and documentation of follow-up activities. The Environmental Safety and Health Committee meets every other month during the school year.
The goals of the committee and corresponding activities are as follows:
- Goal: To represent District employees on health and safety matters. To help communicate program details and encourage employee involvement in the District health and safety programs.
- Activities:
- Obtain commitment from district administration to achieve and maintain committee representation from each school as well as each department
- Encourage regular attendance by representatives for each building
- Communicate committee activities to district employees
- Bring back questions and concerns from coworkers to committee
- Encourage District employees to report health and safety problems and complaints
- Activities:
- Goal: To reduce work-related accidents and illnesses among District employees, by identifying and analyzing hazards, and recommending control strategies.
- Activities:
- Discuss trends in accidents/illnesses and analyze OSHA 300 Log Summary information
- Identify district-wide strategies for prevention and control
- Evaluate successes of prevention and control strategies
- Activities:
- Goal: To monitor District compliance with applicable health and safety regulations, and encourage enforcement of safe work practices and rules.
- Activities:
- Discuss results of mock MNOSHA audits, agency inspections, and compliance activities
- Recommend district-wide activities to achieve or maintain compliance.
- Activities:
- Goal: To Enhance district emergency planning and response best practices.
- Activities:
- Act as liaison between the safety committee and your Building Emergency Response Team
(BERT) - Communicate training opportunities and training resources
- Identify and share challenges in maintaining a safe, secure, and prepared environment
- Recommend changes, new ideas, and/or innovative solutions to better secure our buildings
- Discuss results and challenges encountered in your buildings lock-down, fire, and severe weather drills
- Act as liaison between the safety committee and your Building Emergency Response Team
- Activities:
2019-20 Meeting Dates- 7:30 - 8:30 am District Center Auditorium foyer
- October 9, 2019
- January 15, 2020
- April 08, 2020
Previous Committee Agendas & Minutes
- January 15, 2020
- October 9, 2019
- April 17, 2019
- January 16, 2019
- October 3, 2018
- April 18, 2018
- January 17, 2018
- October 11, 2017
Health and Safety Program Responsibilities
The District AWAIR program is managed by the Health and Safety Coordinator with oversight by a district-wide Environmental Health and Safety Committee. Responsibilities for implementation of District health and safety programs are assigned as follows:
Health and Safety Coordinator
- Requests funding to maintain effective health and safety programs
- Oversees and coordinates implementation of AWAIR program
- Provides new employee orientation
- Monitors program effectiveness, revising program as necessary
- Evaluates and updates AWAIR program annually
- Conducts routine inspections
- Performs follow-up to verify problems are corrected promptly
- Oversees accident and incident investigations
- Oversees Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs)
- Oversees scheduling of health and safety meetings/training sessions
- Encourages and reinforces employee participation in health and safety matters
Environmental Health and Safety Committee Members
- Attend committee meetings
- Complete assigned tasks determined by committee (inspections, job hazard assessments, accident investigations, etc.)
- Post copies of minutes
- Ask co-workers for suggestions and input
- Communicate about safety issues and encourage safe behavior
- Recommend corrections and follow-up to be sure actions are taken
District Employees
- Provide comments, ideas, and suggestions about safety
- Report all accidents and incidents
- Attend required safety training and meetings
District Notices
Lead in Water Testing Program
Our schools are tested every 5 years as recommended by the Department of Health and now required by MN Statute 121A.335. We've been doing this since 2005, long before legislation required it in 2018. Whenever a drinking fixture tests high for lead, we immediately shut the fixture off and replace it with a lead free fixture. We then have the fixture retested to ensure its safe before turning the water back on.
On June 11, 2018, our School Board adopted the Department of Health and Department of Education's Model Plan for reducing lead in drinking water in schools. This plan shares specifics about our lead in water program.
If you'd like to request test results, or need more information on the district's lead in water program, please contact Health and Safety Coordinator Kevin Fernandez at 651-407-7633.