School Board Policy 902 Addendum A - Priority for Scheduling School District Facilities and Equipment

Adopted: november 11, 1996
REVISED: june 11, 2001
revised: may, 2005
Revised: May 13, 2013
revised: october 13, 2014
revised: july 16, 2018

Revised: July 25, 2019
Revised: July 11, 2022
Revised: July 1, 2023


1. Political caucuses, and federal, state, municipal and school district elections, as required by law.

2. District activities, including curricular, extracurricular and Community Education, have priority use of school facilities and equipment.

3. School PTA/PTO events.

4. Activities sponsored by other groups or organizations shall be scheduled as time and space permit on a first come, first served basis subject to the terms of these guidelines.

Applications for District 624 building usage are placed into one of the following fee categories:

Group 1:

  • Internal school events and programs sponsored by ISD 624.
  • Municipalities within ISD 624 boundaries.
  • Student meetings qualifying under ISD 624 District Policy 801.
  • Political caucuses, federal, state, municipality and school district elections as required by law.

Group 2:

  • Certified non-profit and/or youth organizations that reside and operate within ISD 624 boundaries.

Group 3:

  • In district non-profit and/or youth organizations charging admissions, church rentals, non-profit out of district organizations, businesses and commercial groups within ISD 624 boundaries.

Group 2:

  • For-profit organizations outside ISD 624 boundaries and all other groups not listed.

A. Procedures for Scheduling Activities

Use of facilities shall be granted for programs or activities which are of an educational, cultural, civic or recreational nature and are suited to the requested facility.

1. School District Sponsored Activities

School district sponsored after-school, evening and weekend activities are scheduled with the Community Services office prior to June 1st for the following school year. School calendars shall be submitted to Community Services by June 1st. School activities scheduled after June 1st are subject to space availability. School activities must be scheduled before space allocations can be made for community use. Community group applications received prior to August 1st may be kept pending until the school activities have been scheduled.

2. Applications for Use

All applicants must make arrangements to use facilities through the Community Services office. Requests must be made at least seven (7) days prior to date of use. An application form will be provided to indicate the facilities, equipment and personnel required. All applications received in the Community Services Office are dated and processed according to priority and handled as promptly as possible. When an application is approved by the Director of Community Services or designee, a facility reservation permit is issued to the applicant and distributed to the appropriate school personnel.

Outdoor facilities will be scheduled through the same process as indoor facilities. Community Services will work with the High School Activities Director and the Building Operations Department to determine areas that are suitable for community use. Community use of designated outdoor facilities may be restricted based on criteria determined by Community Services, the Activities Director, and Building Operations. All White Bear Lake Area School District fields will be evaluated yearly to determine seasonal availability.

Principals shall schedule all daytime school activities for which permits are not necessary. Permits are required for after-school and weekend use of all school space.

3. Facility Use Permits

a. Permits will be issued to organizations/groups upon compliance with the rules for application. White Bear Lake Area School Board Policy 902 Addendum A 902 Addendum A

(1) Permits are not transferable and are restricted to the stated dates and hours.

(2) Changes, additions or cancellations must be scheduled through the Community Services Office. Amended permits will be sent to the applicant and district personnel involved.

b. Permits are issued for a specific area and include access to the nearest drinking fountain and lavatories.

c. Only equipment specified on the permit will be made available to the user.

d. Organizations/groups using their own equipment must get prior approval and remove the equipment immediately after the use. The district will not assume liability in connection with the use or, loss of or damage to the organization's equipment.

e. The email distribution of each permit notification will be as follows:

  • Group supervisor
  • Community Services Office
  • Building principal, administrative assistant and head custodian
  • Notification may be sent to others as needed.

4. Cancellation

a. When White Bear Lake Area Schools are closed due to inclement weather or building emergencies, all facility reservation permits are canceled.

b. Facility Reservation permits for scheduled community events may be canceled to accommodate unforeseen events or emergency changes of school functions. If such a conflict occurs, every effort will be made to relocate activities and keep cancellations to a minimum.

B. Supervision

1. All activities must be under competent and responsible adult supervision, with the organization/group using the facilities assuming full responsibility for any damage.

2. School personnel on duty (custodian or building supervisor) will monitor the operation of facilities, but are not required to supervise the group or its activities. White Bear Lake Area School Board Policy 902 Addendum A 902 Addendum A

3. Organizations using kitchen facilities must hire a district nutrition service employee to supervise food preparation in conformance with recognized health department standards.

4. Outdoor activities may require district grounds staff to be in attendance.

C. Liability

1. Permit holders are responsible for any and all damages to the school district property caused by acts and omissions of permit holders personnel and invitees. Each party agrees to accept full responsibility for its own negligence and actions.

2. Permit holders agree to release indemnify and hold harmless ISD 624 from any and all claims, demands, suits, actions or liabilities resulting from injuries or death to any persons, or damage or loss of any property, arising from or alleged to arise from users’ performance of this permit/contract.

3. Permit users may be required to provide a certificate of insurance for its commercial general liability insurance policy, which certificate shall name ISD 624 as an additional insured. Policy shall provide that is has a minimum limit of $1,500,000 per occurrence and a minimum annual aggregate limit of $3,000,000.

4. If a permitted group brings in its own equipment, the district assumes no liability in connection with the use, loss or damage of that equipment.

D. Rules for Use of School Facilities

The following rules must be observed by all organizations/groups. Failure to do so may be grounds for cancellation of the Facility Reservation permit and denial of future facility use.

1. School district facilities may not be used for illegal purposes. All school buildings and grounds are tobacco and electronic cigarette free. Any use or possession of tobacco on school property is prohibited by law.

2. Alcohol and illegal chemicals cannot be available or consumed on school district property as prohibited by law.

3. Weapons and firearms in any form are not allowed on school district property except for authorized instructional programs and by authorized law enforcement personnel.

4. Meetings/activities must be confined to areas reserved in advance.

5. Disorderly conduct of any kind is prohibited and may result in ejection from school facilities.

6. If deemed necessary by district administration, law enforcement supervision may be required and charged to the user.

7. Damage to facilities or equipment must be reported immediately to authorized school personnel and the Community Services Office.

8. No one shall operate motorized recreational vehicles on school property except as part of a class authorized by the school district or if pre-approved by the superintendent as part of a special school district or community program or event.

9. Flammable substances may not be used within school buildings unless they meet State Fire Marshall regulations.

10. Areas used must be left in an orderly condition. If additional cleaning is required following the use of facilities, an additional charge for personnel costs shall be added to the facility use fee. If no rental fee was charged, groups are still responsible for personnel charges.

E. Costs Schedule for School District Facilities

Rental fees are based on a two-hour minimum with charges assessed proportionately thereafter. Groups will be charged an additional amount for building supervision, custodial services, and technology services when needed exclusively for that event. Any facility not listed is subject to a rental fee as approved by school district administration. Rental fees for school district facilities are based on the following schedule:

District Center

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Board Room $15 $30 $50
Conference Room $10 $20 $36

Normandy Park

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Conference Room $10 $20 $36
Gymnasium $5 $20 $25

Elementary Schools

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Cafeteria $5 $20 $36
Classroom $5 $15 $30
Media Center $5 $15 $30
Staff Lounge $5 $15 $30
Gymnasium $5 $20 $45

Middle Schools

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Cafeteria $5 $30 $54
Classroom $5 $15 $30
Media Center $10 $20 $36
Staff Lounge $5 $15 $30
Gymnasium (per court) $5 $20 $45
Auxiliary Gyms $5 $20 $25

High Schools

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Cafeteria/Union $10 $30 $54
Classroom $5 $15 $30
Media Center $10 $20 $36
Staff Lounge $5 $15 $30
Gymnasium (per court) $5 $20 $45
Auxiliary Gyms $5 $20 $45

Stadium (press box, lights,
sound system, scoreboard)

$45 $90 $180
Artificial Turf (half field) $15 $40 $75
Artificial Turf (full field) $25 $75 $120
Stadium Lights $15 $15 $15

Field House

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Courts 1-5 (per court) $10 $40 $90
Track - Main Level $10 $40 $90
Track - Upper Level $5 $20 $45
Auxiliary Gyms $10 $40 $90


Group 2

Group 3

Group 4


$25 $65 $90

WBLAHS Performing Arts Center

$40 $84 $130

Theater Packages*

See Package Pricing Below

Hippodrome Ice Arena

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

  $95 $120 $120

Facility Fees:

Rates listed in the facility fee schedule are hourly rates.


Group Definition:

Group 1

  • Internal school event and programs
  • Municipalities within District 624

Group 2

  • Certified non-profit and/or youth organizations that reside and operate in District 624

Group 3

  • Church rentals
  • Non-profit organizations out of District 624 not charging admission

Group 4

  • For profit organizations and all others not listed

All groups will be charged any custodial charges that are incurred beyond normal scheduled times.


To make a Reservation:

Community Services & Recreation

Jon Anderson



F. Nutrition Services Information

Any use of an ISD 624 kitchen facilities must be arranged through the School Nutrition Services Office, 651-407-7524. Any rental of an ISD 624 kitchen facility must include a Nutrition Services Employee on site for the duration of the event or a minimum of two hours whichever is greater. The Nutrition Services Employee will supervise the operation of equipment and use of kitchen facilities.

G. District Theatre Information*

Any use of District Theatre is subject to charges based on the needs of the groups. Groups will work through Community Services and District Technician to determine which package is appropriate.

Package 1- $300.00 Basic audio and lights.
Includes sound system with choice of two lapel or handheld wireless mics. Podium available upon request. Additional mics will be $25/mic up to four mics total. Training is required to operate equipment on your own. Training time over 1 hour will be billed at an additional $30/hour. Video and audio files for the event must be obtained no later than 24 hours before the event.

Package 2- $1,000.00 District Theatre and White Bear Lake Area High School Performing Arts Center only.
Includes Package 1, plus two audio monitors on stage upon request, and up to six wireless mics. Technician time is billed in addition at a rate of $30/hour.

Package 3- $3,000.00 District Theatre and White Bear Lake Area High School Performing Arts Center only.
Includes Packages 1 and 2, plus a lighting and audio package with color stage washes, cyc curtain, two technicians for 12 hours, and eight wireless mics. Additional mics will be $25/mic up to 12 mics. Also includes option to rear project onto cyc curtain for presentations or background scenery projection. Video and audio files for the event must be obtained no later than 24 hours before the event.

Prices subject to change.

Package options are based on equipment availability.

All technology requests must be approved and finalized 2 weeks prior to the event date.