School Board Policy 902 -
Use of School District Facilities and Equipment
Adopted: november 11, 1996
REVISED: june 11, 2001
revised: may 13, 2013
revised: october 13, 2014
Revised: July 11, 2022
I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for community use of school facilities and equipment.
II. General Statement of Policy
The School Board encourages maximum use of school facilities for community groups and individuals during the non-academic day.
III. Scheduled Community Education Classes and Activities
A. The school district administration shall be charged with the process of scheduling rooms and other areas for community services classes and activities.
B. Procedures for providing publicity, registration and collection of fees shall be the responsibility of the school district administration.
C. Fees may be structured to include a pro-rata portion of costs for custodial services that are needed.
IV. General Community Use of School Facilities
A. Requests for use of school facilities by community groups or individuals shall be made through the school district’s Community Services office. The administration will present recommended procedures for the processing and review of requests to the School Board. Upon approval by the School Board, such procedures shall be an addendum to this policy.
B. Requests for use of school facilities for student meetings pursuant to Policy 801 shall be made through the building principal.
C. A rental fee schedule shall be developed by the superintendent or superintendent's designee in collaboration with the Department of Finance and Operations. The fee may include the cost of custodial and supervisory service.
D. After a date, time and facility have been scheduled, groups or individuals can be assured that they are entitled to the use of the facility as agreed upon. Exceptions may occur when emergencies or unusual circumstances necessitate rescheduling.
If this occurs, every effort will be made to find acceptable alternative meeting space.
V. Use of School Equipment
The superintendent or superintendent's designee will develop a process and procedure as part of the facility rental process regarding the type of equipment that is available for community use, the extent to which it may be utilized and the manner by which it may be scheduled for use and any charges to be made relating thereto. Such procedure shall be an addendum to this policy.
VI. Rules for Use of Facilities and Equipment
The school board expects members of the community who use facilities and equipment to do so with respect for school district property and an understanding of proper use. Individuals and groups shall be responsible for damage to facilities and equipment. A certificate of insurance may be required by the school district to ensure payment for these damages and any liability for injuries.
Addendum A: Use of School District Facilities and Equipment
Legal References:
Minn. Stat. § 123B.51 (Schoolhouses and Sites; Access for Non-curricular Purposes)
Cross References:
WBLASB Policy 801 (Equal Access to Facilities of Secondary Schools)
WBLASB Policy 901 (Community Education)