School Board Policy 901 -
Community Education
Adopted: october 9, 1995
REVISED: february 8, 2016
revised: april 10, 2017
Revised: April 16, 2021
Revised: April 8, 2024
I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to convey to employees and to the general public the important role of community education within the school district.
II. General Statement of Policy
The School Board affirms a strong commitment to the Community Services and Recreation Department’s community education program. In addition, the School Board welcomes and strongly encourages the use of district buildings and grounds by the community when they are not being used for district activities or programs. The school administration will strive to accomplish the following objectives in relation to community education services, programs, and facilities/grounds:
A. Maximum use should be made of district facilities and grounds.
B. Educational needs and interests of area residents will be evaluated periodically.
C. District and available community resources and the expertise of residents should be utilized to develop vibrant, well-rounded community education programming.
D. Area residents should be encouraged to actively participate in program opportunities.
III. Community Services Advisory Council
A. A Community Services Advisory Council shall assist in promoting the goals and objectives of the program.
B. The Community Services Advisory Council membership shall represent a cross section of the community.
C. Bylaws of the Council shall provide the framework for the organization, including criteria pertaining to membership, officers’ duties, frequency and structure of meetings, and such other matters as deemed necessary and appropriate.
D. On an annual basis, the Council shall review the Community Services and Recreation budget prior to the presentation to the School Board.
Legal References:
Minn. Stat. § 123B.51 (Schoolhouses and Sites; Uses for School and Nonschool Purposes; Closings)
Minn. Stat. § 124D.19 (Community Education Programs; Advisory Council)
Minn. Stat. § 124D.20, Subd. 1 (Community Education Revenue)
Cross References:
WBLASB Policy 902 (Use of School District Facilities and Equipment)