School Board Policy 606 - Appendix A Instructional Text/Materials Review Process

Adopted: June 10, 2013
Revised: May 10, 2021
Revised: November 18, 2022
Revised: July 8, 2024

I. Instructional Text/Materials Review Process

A. Each school district shall have a procedure for a parent, guardian, or an adult student, 18 years of age or older, to review the content of the instructional materials to be provided to a minor child or to an adult student and, if the parent, guardian, or adult student objects to the content, to make reasonable arrangements with school personnel for alternative instruction. Alternative instruction may be provided by the parent, guardian, or adult student if the alternative instruction, if any, offered by the School Board does not meet the concerns of the parent, guardian, or adult student. The School Board is not required to pay for the costs of alternative instruction provided by a parent, guardian, or adult student. School personnel may not impose an academic or other penalty upon a student merely for arranging alternative instruction under this section. School personnel may evaluate and assess the quality of the student's work.

An orderly process of instructional resource and supplemental materials review ensures an appropriate balance for those most concerned:

  • The teachers who have the right to express their professional recommendations and opinions on the review and use of instructional resources and materials
  • The students who have the right to express their preferences an opinions on the review and use of instructional resources and materials
  • The parents who have the right to express their preferences and opinions on the review and use of instructional resources and materials

II. Creation of an Alternative Student Learning Plan

A. Teacher Level Review

Specific instructional material or content objections will be directed to the teacher. 

1. The teacher will treat each request with confidentiality and work with the student and family to come to a resolution. 

2. The teacher and/or parent/guardian may submit an alternative instruction plan. The school district will not pay for any alternative instruction costs.  

3. The proposed solution will consider inclusion of the student(s) in the classroom while minimizing classroom disruption, and seek to ensure a student is not removed from the classroom setting for an unreasonable amount of time without parental or guardian agreement.

4. If a resolution cannot be reached, the parties will move to the building-level review. 

B. Building-Level Review 

If a resolution cannot be reached between the teacher, student, and parent/guardian, the parent/guardian should submit a completed Appendix B form (Proposed Alternative Student Learning Plan) to the principal or designee. Upon receipt: 

1. The parties will review the process to date. 

2. The principal or designee will determine whether the alternative student learning plan is essentially equivalent to that provided as part of the adopted curriculum. The building team should ensure the proposed solution is viable and provides the best alternative possible for students. The principal or designee may evaluate and assess the quality of the student’s alternative student learning plan for grading purposes. 

3. The proposed solution will consider inclusion of the student(s) in the classroom while minimizing classroom disruption and seek to ensure a student is not removed from the classroom setting for an unreasonable amount of time without parental or guardian agreement. 

4. If a resolution cannot be reached among these parties, the alternative learning plan will go for district review. 

C. District Level Review 

If a parent/guardian does not agree with the solution provided by the building-level process, the request will be forwarded to the Superintendent or designee. The decision of the Superintendent or designee is final.

III. Request for Review of Instructional Text/Materials

A. The individual(s) will submit a completed Appendix B form (Request for Review of Instructional Text/Materials) to the principal or designee. The request will be reviewed by a building team composed of teachers, administrators, directors, or other staff, as applicable. 

B. The team will review the request, including the proposed solution. 

1. The team should use the questions below as a starting point to determine the degree to which the instructional text/materials meets or does not meet the district’s criteria. The questions below should be used not as a pass/fail tool but as information to guide the decision-making process. 

  • Does the material support the academic standards?
  • Does the material consider the needs, age, and maturity of students?
  • Does the material foster respect and appreciation for cultural diversity and multiple perspectives? 

2. The team will use all available information to resolve the submitted request for review of instructional text/materials. The resolution will be communicated to those submitting the request and all relevant parties. 

C. If the parties do not agree with the solution provided by the building team, the request for review of materials will be forwarded to the Superintendent or designee. The decision of the Superintendent or designee is final.