506 - Addendum B - Discipline Complaint Procedures

Students, parents and other guardians, and school staff may file a complaint and seek corrective action when the requirements of the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act, or the implementation of the behavior and discipline policies are not being implemented appropriately or are being discriminately applied. 

The process is initiated by submission of a complaint in writing to the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Dr. Alison Gillespie. The complaint must be submitted in writing and dated by the person making the complaint.

A Discipline Complaint form is on the District website and available in administration offices.

The process is initiated by filling in the form and submitting the form to the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning.

1. Upon receipt of the complaint, district representatives will investigate the complaint. The investigation will commence within three school days of receipt of the complaint. The Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning will direct the investigation. The district may use outside counsel as it sees fit. The Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning may designate staff responsible for any aspect of the process.

2. Upon completion of the investigation, written determination will be provided to the complainant addressing each allegation. The determination will contain findings and conclusions, with appropriate application of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.

3. If the investigation finds the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, sections 121A.40 to 121A.61, including any local policies that were not implemented appropriately, the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning will require a corrective action plan to correct a student's record and provide relevant staff with training, coaching, or other accountability practices to ensure appropriate compliance with policies in the future.

4. Reprisals or retaliation against any person who asserts, alleges, or reports a complaint is prohibited. District administration will apply appropriate consequences for a person who engages in reprisal or retaliation.