506 - Addendum A - Administrative Guidelines for Addressing Chemical Use or Abuse Problems of Students While on School Premises

Use, Possession, Distribution of, or Intent to Distribute Tobacco or Tobacco Paraphernalia

  • The use, possession, distribution of, or intent to distribute tobacco or tobacco paraphernalia by students in school buildings and on school property is a violation of School Board policy.
    Such conduct may also be a violation of Minnesota Law (Minn. Stat. § 144.4165).

    • Individual building discipline committees are authorized to institute those corrective measures that they consider most effective in view of the age and background of the violator.

    • Suspension is authorized in accordance with The Pupil Fair Dismissal Act. Parents/guardians are to be notified no later than the following school day of a violation except when a building administrator shall determine an exception is justified.

Use, Possession, Distribution of, or Intent to Distribute Alcohol, Drugs and Paraphernalia

  • The use, possession, distribution, intent to distribute, and/or make a request to another person for (solicitation) alcohol, narcotics, non-prescribed drugs, non-controlled substances packaged to look like controlled drugs, and other illegal substances on school premises or at a school function is prohibited. No student may appear at any school or school-sponsored function in possession or under the influence of alcohol, non-prescribed drugs, chemicals, or illegal substances. It is unlawful for any person knowingly or intentionally to use, possess, or distribute drug paraphernalia. This policy includes students who have reached the legal age of majority.

Interventions, Supports, and Consequences

Any Violation

parent/guardian conference; referral to a school counselor; sharing of resources for screening, assessment, and treatment planning; participation in support groups; police contact/SRO involvement or other appropriate measures

First Violation*

  • The student will be suspended from school for up to three (3) days and/or school functions for a length of time determined by the administrator. The consequence may be reduced, if the administrator receives confirmation/verification that the student attended a chemical health assessment. 
  • A parent/guardian conference is required prior to readmission.
  • At the re-entry conference, chemical health assessment resources will be shared with the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s) (e.g. community-based professional counseling services).

Upon re-entry, the student will be invited to meet with an appropriate school support resource (e.g. chemical health specialist, school counselor.) 

If warranted, chemical health assessment resources will also be shared. 

Second Violation*

  • The student will be suspended from school for five (5) school days. The five-day suspension may be reduced, if school administration receives confirmation/verification that the student attended a chemical health assessment. 
  • A parent/guardian conference is required prior to readmission. 
  • At the re-entry conference, chemical health assessment resources will be shared with the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s) (e.g. community-based professional counseling services).

A strong recommendation for the student to have a chemical health assessment will be voiced.

Third and Subsequent Violations*:

  • The student may be suspended for up to ten (10) school days pending further investigation with possible recommendation for expulsion.
  • A parent/guardian conference is required prior to readmission. 
  • At the re-entry conference, chemical health assessment resources will be shared with the student and their parent(s)/guardian(s). 

The district will advocate for a chemical health assessment for the student.

*In addition, the administration may make a recommendation to the Superintendent or designee that the student be considered for exclusion/expulsion from school for an appropriate time period under The Pupil Fair Dismissal Act. Should the process proceed, the student will be provided with home based or alternative educational services.