School Board Policy 430 -
Employee/Visitor ID Badge
Adopted:november 11, 1996
REVISED: june 11, 2001
revised: January 11, 2021
Revised: March 4, 2024
I. Purpose
Staff and visitor identification cards are the primary way for a student to know whether the adult they encounter is authorized to be in the building. All staff members and visitors will be issued and must display an identification card that is supplied by the district.
II. Definition
"Identification card" means the staff ID badge produced by the White Bear Lake Area School District for each staff member and the visitor card distributed to building visitors.
III. Process
A. Distribution
Staff - Each staff member will be issued one card at the beginning of each school year. New staff members starting at other times during the year will be issued a card prior to the start of employment.
Visitors - All visitors to the building during the school day will be issued a visitor card to be displayed while in the building or during any activity. Visitors will return their card prior to leaving the building.
B. Staff members must wear their ID badge:
- when in school buildings or on school grounds.
- while accompanying students as a part of an off-grounds district activity.
- during any official activity as a representative of the school district.
C. If a staff member does not have their badge available for display under the condition described above, a temporary numbered badge will be issued until the badge is replaced or recovered.
D. The district may charge for the cost to replace any ID badge which was lost.
E. ID badges may be reclaimed by the district administration according to procedures communicated to all employees.
IV. Violations
Disciplinary measures may occur for failure to follow School Board policy.