School Board Policy 403 -
Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of School District Employees
Adopted: April 29, 1996
Revised: May 10, 2021
Revised: May 13, 2024
I. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to achieve effective operation of the school district's programs through the cooperation of all employees under a system of policies and rules applied fairly and uniformly.
II. General Statement of Policy
The disciplinary process described herein is designed to utilize progressive steps, where appropriate, to produce positive corrective action. While the school district intends that, in most cases, progressive discipline will be administered, the specific form of discipline chosen in a particular case and/or the decision to impose discipline in a manner otherwise is solely within the discretion of the school district.
III. Discipline
A. Violation of School Laws and Rules
The form of discipline imposed for violations of school laws and rules may vary from a written reprimand to termination of employment or discharge depending upon factors such as the nature of the violation, whether the violation was intentional, knowing and/or, willful and whether the employee has been the subject of prior disciplinary action of the same or a different nature. School laws and rules to which this provision applies include:
1. policies of the school district;
2. directives and/or job requirements imposed by the administration and/or the employee's supervisor; and
3. federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, the rules and regulations adopted by federal and state agencies.
B. Substandard Performance
An employee's substandard performance may result in the imposition of discipline ranging from a written reprimand to termination of employment. In most instances, discipline imposed for the reason of substandard performance will follow a progressive format.
C. Misconduct
Misconduct of an employee will result in the imposition of discipline consistent with the seriousness of the misconduct. Conduct which falls into this category includes, but is not limited to:
1. unprofessional conduct;
2. failure to observe rules, regulations, policies, and standards of the school district and/or directives and orders of supervisors and any other act of an insubordinate nature;
3. continuing neglect of duties in spite of directives, written warnings, and/or other forms of discipline;
4. personal and/or immoral misconduct;
5. use of illegal drugs, alcohol, or any other chemical substance on the job or any use off the job which impacts the employee's performance;
6. deliberate and serious violation of the rights and freedoms of other employees, students, parents, or other persons in the school community;
7. activities of a criminal nature relating to the fitness or effectiveness of the employee to perform the duties of the position;
8. failure to follow the canons of professional and personal ethics;
9. falsification of credentials and experience;
10. unauthorized destruction of school district property;
11. neglect of duty;
12. violation of the rights of others as provided by federal and state laws related to human rights;
13. other sufficient grounds relating to any other act constituting inappropriate conduct.
IV. Forms of Discipline
A. The forms of discipline that may be imposed by the school district include, but are not limited to:
1. written warning or reprimand;
2. disciplinary suspension, demotion, or leave of absence with pay; and
3. dismissal/termination or discharge from employment.
B. Other forms of discipline, including any combination of the forms described in paragraph A above, may be imposed if, in the judgment of the administration, another form of discipline will better accomplish the school district's objective of stopping or correcting the offending conduct or improving the employee's performance.
V. Procedures For Administering Policy
A. When any form of discipline is imposed, the employee's supervisor will:
1. Advise the employee of any inadequacy, deficiency or conduct which is the cause of the discipline in writing. If given orally, the supervisor will document the fact that an oral warning was given to the employee, specifying the date, time, and nature of the oral warning.
2. Provide directives to the employee to correct the conduct or performance.
3. Forward copies of all writings to the administrator in charge of personnel for filing in the employee’s personnel file.
4. Allow a reasonable period of time, when appropriate, for the employee to correct or remediate the performance or conduct.
5. Specify the expected level of performance or modification of conduct to be required from the employee.
B. The school district retains the right to immediately discipline, terminate, or discharge an employee as appropriate, subject to relevant governing law and collective bargaining agreements when applicable.
Legal References:
Minn. Stat. § 122A.40 (Employment; Contracts; Termination)
Minn. Stat. § 122A.41 (Teacher Tenure Act; Cities of the First Class)
Minn. Stat. § 122A.44 (Contracting with Teachers; Substitute Teachers)
Minn. Stat. § 122A.58 (Coaches; Termination of Duties)
Minn. Stat. § 123B.02, Subd. 14 (General Powers of Independent School Districts)
Minn. Stat. § 123B.143 (Superintendent)
Minn. Stat. § 123B.147 (Principals)
Minn. Stat. § 197.46 et. seq. (Veterans Preference Act)