Community e-Newsletter
April 9, 2023
2023-24 and 2024-25 Academic Calendars approved
At the March 27 School Board meeting, the 2023-24 and preliminary 2024-25 Academic Calendars were approved by School Board members.
Find more information and view each calendar here.
In Photos: Exploring New Activities
Student News
Bears Serving Others
Oneka Elementary students involved with B.O.S.S. Kids wrapped up their school-wide service project; a supply drive for local animal shelters. Students were featured in this video organizing and packing the many toys, treats and other essential items into boxes to be delivered to the shelters.
Three fifth graders at Birch Lake Elementary organized a service activity with their classmates. They watched a video about “The Sandwich Project” and its impact on communities in the Twin Cities. Students were featured in this video issue of "The Week in 62.4 Seconds" preparing around 200 sandwiches together. The organizers of the activity then delivered the sandwiches to a shelter for people in need.
It's not just elementary students in our district working on community service projects. WBLAHS - North Campus students are helping the organization"Meals from the Heart" in their Work Experience & Transition Life Skills Classes. Students are labeling pouches that will be filled with nutritious food for people in need.
Awesome Accomplishments
The newly-constructed White Bear Lake Area High School Field House played host to the district’s first ever indoor track meets on March 28 and 30. Both the boys and girls track and field teams competed in the space, with fans cheering them on from above along the walking track. Take a closer look at the meet setup in this video issue of "The Week in 62.4 Seconds". The White Bear Press also highlighted the state-of-the-art facility in this article.
Speaking of high school sports, despite the snow on the ground, the spring sports season is underway, with students participating in a variety of activities. The varsity baseball team and adaptive softball team faced off during an indoor scrimmage at South Campus last week to help each other prepare for upcoming games. Their friendly, but competitive game was featured in this video.
During the Section 4AA Speech Tournament, Jinet Demanou placed third in Poetry, Mariam Elias-Danjuma placed first in Prose and Sanyu Mwassa also took first place in Dramatic Interpretation. All three are headed to the State Tournament on April 28. The Speech team is also hosting a community-wide Speech Showcase and Awards Ceremony from 7-9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11 in the District Center Board Room. Click here for more information and to RSVP for the event.
Members of the high school robotics team, White Bear Lake Robotics Team 2207, competed in a regional competition at the University of Minnesota. Students spent weeks designing, fabricating and testing their robot using electrical, mechanical and pneumatic systems. Team 2207 competed in all aspects of this year's challenge which included Autonomous Period, Teleoperated Period, and End Game. They finished 34th in the Regional tournament and are currently ranked 101st in the State out of nearly 200 robots.
The WBLAHS Archery team qualified as a team for National in bullseye and 3D where the team placed fifth. Two archers placed as individuals in 3D. Morgan Andrle finished seventh and Tanner Carlson finished 5th.
Jeremy Beckler, a 2019 WBLAHS grad, was highlighted by the White Bear Press as he wrapped up his collegiate basketball career at Carleton College. The senior earned All-American honors and helped lead the Knights to their best season in a century. Beckler is a computer science major with aspirations of becoming a software engineer.
Community Connections
Third graders at Lakeaires Elementary received a unique lesson from a member of the White Bear Lake Historical Society who is also White Bear grad! They listened to a history lesson on the city of White Bear Lake including Wildwood Amusement Park and the toboggan slide. Students then worked together to design their own version of the slide which was highlighted in a recent video issue of "The Week in 62.4 Seconds".
The Wednesday Morning Music Group at Central Middle School played for staff and students as they walked through the commons area to start their day. Students performed several compositions including "Eye of the Tiger" and a song from the movie "Momma Mia".
We love when Bears of all ages show off their school spirit by wearing orange and black! Or in this case, wearing their "Born to be a Bear" onesie and "I'm a Bear" t-shirt which is part of the district's Screen at Three initiative. Find more information here. We're always looking for Bears modeling their onesies and t-shirts! Email photos to us here and you may find your little one featured in District publications!
The American Indian Education Program invites students, staff and community members to attend two upcoming Pow Wow events. They are happening on April 15 and May 6. Meanwhile, Vince Patton recently began in the district as the new American Indian Education Coordinator. ***Please note: The May 6 event location has changed to Sunrise Park Middle School. The image below will be changed out as soon as the new flyer is provided.***
Learning Together
Middle School students at Central made the most of their Bear Time by enjoying different choice activities. In this video issue of "The Week in 62.4 Seconds", students were seen creating origami designs, interacting with cats and dogs, taking a walk outside, practicing archery and so much more!
Ninth graders at North campus took part in an exciting, hands-on activity in their physical science class. Students dropped eggs onto cushioning devices called impact attenuators, which they designed to keep the egg safe when falling from various heights. This activity was part of their decreasing impact forces lesson. Watch the lesson come to life in this video.
Several Elementary schools are hard at work preparing and rehearsing their theater productions. Also working on their lines and choreography are middle school students performing the play, “Annie Junior”. See their musical come to life at the District Center Community Auditorium on April 20 and 21 at 7 p.m. and April 22 at 2 p.m. Find ticket information here and see a sneak peak at rehearsals in this video.
Students at Lakeaires Elementary put their creative caps on last week. Second graders in Ms. Humphrey's class channeled their inner painter to recreate Van Gough's Starry Night. While Extended Day students worked together on a spring mural they titled “Chillin with my Peeps”. Students turned their peeps into themselves and their favorite books and movies characters.
Central Middle School students learned about winter gardening in their Life Skills class. They planted different varieties of plants from tomatoes to sunflowers in milk jugs. Students will periodically check on their plants throughout the next few months before taking them home later this spring.
Activities Updates
The Boys and Girls Track and Field Teams hosted their first indoor track and field meet at the White Bear Lake Area High School Field House. Find highlights here. The Archery Team is heading to Nationals as a team after competing in a recent tournament. The WBLAHS Robotics Team placed 34th at a Regional Tournament. Three member of the high school Speech Team are heading to the State tournament. Tryouts for the 2023-2024 Cheerleading Program will take place on April 17, 18 and 20 (Varsity and Middle School) and May 22 and 24 (Elementary). Teams are available for students currently in grades 5-11. Find more information here, or e-mail
This year White Bear Lake Area High School, along with every school in the Suburban East Conference (SEC) is going to online-only ticket sales for all varsity sporting events. All conference schools have partnered with Hometown Ticketing to make it easier for spectators. The easiest way to access our online tickets is by downloading the Hometown Ticketing App or you can access and purchase tickets to our home events by clicking here. An alternate way to view home games is by purchasing adult and/or student pass(es).
Senior community members (age 65+) who live in the District are invited to participate in the Senior Activities Pass program and enjoy complimentary admission to most school activities. Find out how to receive your free pass here.
Please contact the Communications Department (651-407-7695) to submit Student News for inclusion in future publications.
The Week in 62.4 Seconds
School Board News
Upcoming School Board Meetings
School Board Work Session
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School Board Regular Meeting
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School Board Work Session
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School Board Regular Meeting
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School Board Work Session
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School Board Regular Meeting
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Past Meeting Highlights
Mar. 27 Work Session
Mar. 13 Regular Session
Feb. 27 Work Session
At the January 13, 2025 Regular Meeting of the School Board, the Oath of Office was administered by Superintendent Kazmierczak to newly elected School Board members Angela Thompson, Scott Arcand, and Dan Skaar.
At the December 9, 2024 School Board Regular Meeting, the School Board approved the following calendars:
- 2025-26 Academic Calendar
- 2026-27 Academic Calendar
The White Bear Lake Area School Board recently approved an Elementary Spanish Dual Immersion program, set to launch in Fall 2025. The enrollment window for the 2025-26 school year will open on December 16, 2024.
At the September School Board Regular Meeting, senior Lydia Kleinhans was welcomed as the student representative for the 2024-25 school year.
Jim Galvin, long-time coach, teacher, and community member, has been honored by White Bear Lake Area Schools for his decades of service to the school community. The White Bear Lake Area School Board voted at its March 4, 2024 meeting to name the fully renovated White Bear Lake Area High School gymnasium “Galvin Court.”
At December’s Regular School Board Meeting, representatives from the Be SMART awareness campaign and local law enforcement leaders presented information about a program developed to bring together parents and all adults concerned about kids, guns, and safety. The White Bear Lake Police Department, the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and White Bear Lake Area Schools are teaming up to share an important message about proper gun storage and safety.