Community e-Newsletter

Note from the Superintendent

We are excited to welcome our grades 3-5 students back for in-person learning this week!

As all levels of our elementary students come together again, it's a good time for a reminder of our Health and Safety Guidelines and a fun re-share of Bear's mask how-to demonstration.

Go (Stay Healthy) Bears!
Dr. K

bear mascot wearing masks


In Photos: A Busy Fortnight

photo collage of students and staff members

Student News

Meeting & Greeting

Students in grades K-2 successfully returned to in-person learning on Tuesday, Jan. 18. Their grades 3-5 classmates will be joining them in elementary buildings tomorrow. The district is implementing new safety protocols for students and staff learning and teaching in-person in the areas of masks, remaining in classrooms, COVID-19 testing for teachers and staff, and masks and face shields for staff members.
Elementary Distance Learning Academy families enjoyed a meet and greet event Thursday, with Principal Amber Walsh providing information about the district's new option for elementary families who choose distance learning. The experience was featured in this week's issue of "The Week in 62.4 Seconds." More than 600 students are enrolled in the Distance Learning Academy that launched in January.
screenshot of Distance Learning academy website
District middle school and high school students, who are also H2O for Life Water Warriors, presented information about "what they do and how they do it" at a recent Women in Business meeting with the White Bear Area Chamber of Commerce. Their presentation was well received and described as "inspirational." Well done, students!
screenshot of zoom meeting
High school students have met a terrific opportunity through the Career Pathways program, working at Wilbert Plastic Services and learning great lessons that will help them in their future careers. The experience was covered in Friday's issue of The Week in 62.4 Seconds. Career Pathways Coordinator Jenny Moore provided an update about the overall district program at Monday's School Board Work Session, covering the ways all students work with school counselors and the College & Career Center, how some students learn and explore through Career Pathway Courses, and how registered students participate in Career Pathways work and beyond.
student working in manufacturing
Suburban Community Channels (SCC) recently covered the district's Meals on Wheels program in video. The highlight includes mention that volunteers deliver meals, along with providing an important service of making connections and going above and beyond to serve seniors in the community. The program is facilitated by our Senior Program. Check out the Meals on Wheels February menu here.
two adults in kitchen

Busy months

January's Welcome to White Bear events may have been wrapped up now that the calendar is turning to February, but families who are interested in enrolling their child for the 2021-22 school year can find information and registration links on the Enrollment page of the district website. Families are encouraged to contact any of our schools directly to get additional information about our offerings.
Welcome to White Bear logo
Just in time to start February out right, the 2021-22 registration catalog for the district's preschool program, which offers locations throughout the district, will be available tomorrow (Monday, Feb. 1) at the district's Early Childhood Program website.
The Central Middle School Student Council organized a virtual talent show that was revealed to students on Thursday. Central has been doing several monthly activities to get students involved in school, with activities including dress up days each week and virtual contests involving snowman building, fuzzy sock guessing, snowflake making, gingerbread decorating, ugly sweater wearing, pumpkin carving and costume wearing.
students performing talent show acts
The monthly variety of activity will continue in White Bear Lake Area Schools. With February being Black History Month and I Love to Read Month, students will be enjoying a variety of student learning opportunities happening throughout the district.

Special attention

The WBLAE Teacher of the Year committee recognized the 600+ educators of White Bear Lake Area Educators, Local #7286 as this year’s Honorary Teachers of the Year (2020-21) for their extraordinary dedication to students and families during emergency distance learning this past spring and their efforts this school year. 
The 2021-22 class of nominees includes new honorees and all nominees who submitted teacher surveys as part of the 2020-21 selection process.  In accordance with Education Minnesota’s Teacher of the Year Program, eligible nominees now have the opportunity to submit written responses to a series of questions regarding teaching and learning and their personal educational philosophies.  From those responses, six finalists will be selected to interview with members of the community, administration and their fellow teachers.
2021 Teacher of the Year nominees logo
White Bear paraeducators have gotten additional attention recently as well. The Governor proclaimed last week (Jan. 25-29) Paraprofessional Recognition Week, noting that there are over 20,000 paraprofessionals in Minnesota working hard every day to make sure every child has the education they need to succeed in school and life.
WBLAHS students have been front-and-center in the media recently. Wrestler Dimitri Hatzis was pictured in this week's issue of the White Bear Press, in a Saturday match vs. a Tartan opponent. A shot of WBLAHS athlete Danielle Madden was included in last week's White Bear Press, scoring the first basket of the girls' basketball season in a Friday night win over Irondale. The Boys' Basketball team was included on a list for 52 consecutive basketball wins in 1984-85. Senior Kolby Bachmaier was recently highlighted in the White Bear Press for earning his Eagle Scout rank. His project included installing wood duck houses near Willow Lane Elementary.
student wrestler, student basketball player, Boy Scout

The Week in 62.4 Seconds

Enjoy The Week in 62.4 Seconds videos highlighting weekly district activities throughout the school year.

School Board News

Upcoming Meetings

The remainder of the 2020-21 School Board meetings will be viewable via electronic means. Livestream links are available on the district's online calendar and will be posted on the Meeting Materials page the week prior to each meeting.

Past Meeting Highlights

January 25 Work Session

January 11 Regular Meeting

District News

General Information