Community e-Newsletter
September 8, 2019
Note from the Superintendent
Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! Please keep an eye out for Beginning of the Year letters that will soon be arriving in mailboxes of District families. The piece contains important legal notices and updates about what is happening this fall, most notably a Sept. 28 All-School Reunion in conjunction with Homecoming and a November 5 bond referendum. Find information about the referendum here (
Find electronic versions of the letter below:
- English version
- Spanish version
Wayne A. Kazmierczak, Ph.D.
In Photos: #BackToSchoolBears Facebook Challenge
Our next issue will highlight #BackToSchoolBears pics of students in our early childhood program, with classes beginning the week of Sept. 9.
Student News
Welcome back Bears!
It was another great first week of welcoming students back to school. The excitement can be seen in this video. Families were encouraged to share their students' back to school pictures, along with why they are excited for the school year, using the #BackToSchoolBears on Facebook for a chance to be featured in the collage above. Our next issue will highlight #BackToSchoolBears pics of students in our early childhood program, with classes beginning the week of Sept. 9.
More than 1, 000 staff members were recently welcomed back to school, as well, at the 2019 Convocation - Building Our Future event! Check out this video of the entire Convocation. At the event, staff members could enjoy student performances, hear an inspirational message from Teacher of the Year Abby Kath, and receive important updates about district initiatives, including a November 5 bond referendum. Check out the videos below to find out more information about the bond referendum. Also, check out this video to hear from School Board members about their excitement for the district's future.
Preparing for the first day
Before the first week of school, it was busy all around the buildings with students in the district gearing up for their starts to the 2019-20 school year. Elementary families were able to stop by their schools and meet their teachers. They were also able to get to see their classrooms and ask any questions they had to feel prepared for their first days. Sixth grade students enjoyed WEB Day where eighth grade students introduced them to their new schools, played fun games with them and helped them get to know their classmates! The games continued, as ninth grade students were able to have fun at their orientation event where they were introduced to high school by Link Crew student leaders. The preparation for the first day of school throughout the district can be seen in this fun video.
Upcoming All-School Reunion
A group of volunteers with the Alumni Association has been busy working on the Washington School Bell project. The bell, which hung at the former Washington School, was recently placed at White Bear Lake Area Schools’ District Center. The display will also house a White Bear statue and is an Alumni Association gift/project. The dedication will take place on September 28, 2019 at the White Bear Lake Area Alumni Association All-School Reunion and 100 year Celebration of the first High School Building (currently District Center). The reunion will be open to graduates, staff, families and community members.
Activities Update
The 13U Orange Bears baseball team took home a Minnesota Youth Athletics Services (MYAS) state tournament championship in August with impressive numbers, which was featured in this White Bear Press article. Go Bears!
Find a complete list of all WBLAHS Activities, Athletics and Fine Arts here.
Please contact the Communications Department (651-407-7695) to submit Student News for inclusion in future publications.
The Week in 62.4 Seconds
Enjoy The Week in 62.4 Seconds videos highlighting weekly district activities throughout the school year.
School Board News
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meeting Highlights
August 12 Regular
August 26 Work-Study