Community e-Newsletter

In Photos: Endless Opportunities

A collage of students embracing opportunities

Student News

Exploring interests

Central Middle School students recently toured Reell Precision Manufacturing Corporation to learn about careers in engineering, automation, robotics, motion control and manufacturing. The fun experience can be seen in this video. From one tour to the next, students recently had fun with Youth Day at the Capitol! Students could walk through the Minnesota History Center exhibits, enjoy an advocacy training led by Minnesota Youth Council and meet with legislators. Students asked legislators important questions to learn about current initiatives while discussing universal health care and free college for all. The experience can be seen in this video. Matoska third graders also recently enjoyed a visit to the Capitol!

Students talking with adult on field trip

The great experiences continued, as Central Middle School honor band students recently had an opportunity to perform in the Northeast regional Minnesota Band Directors Association (NEMBDA) honor band at Duluth East High School. These students recently received their music and spent a day playing with other students in grades 6-8 from the area and all the way up to Canada. They rehearsed in the morning and afternoon, and then performed a terrific concert later in the day! Speaking of creative spaces, community members recently enjoyed creating sunflower paintings in the styles of the late Bob Ross.

Community member holding painting

Excellent events

All were invited to attend the Black Excellence Showcase in honor of February being Black History Month! This event was complete with cultural dances, skits, speeches, poems and music! A highlight of the event can be seen in this video. From one event to the next, all are invited to the Sunrise Art Crawl where community members can stroll through Downtown White Bear Lake between March 18 and 27 and admire student artwork hanging in the windows of local businesses. Artwork will be matted and hung in outward-facing windows, allowing families and community members to enjoy the artwork at all times of day. There is no defined route, so all are invited to enjoy at their leisure. Learn more about the participating businesses that will be showcasing the masterpieces! A fun preview of students working on impressive art projects can be seen in this video.

Student performing on stage

Community members recently enjoyed an opportunity to grab a cup of coffee and chat with Superintendent Dr. Wayne Kazmierczak (Dr. K) at the Downtown White Bear Lake Caribou Coffee. Check out this fun promotional video for the opportunity. The next Coffee with Dr. K event will take place at the Downtown White Bear Lake Caribou Coffee from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5. Skating to the next event, community members recently enjoyed the Hippodrome Open Skate where Bear made an impromptu visit, sporting a USA jersey in honor of the historic USA Men's Hockey Olympic Team win 40 years ago on that day (Feb. 22). In other fun visitor news, Minnesota Education Commissioner Mary Cathryn Ricker recently served breakfast at Lincoln Elementary in honor of National School Breakfast Week.

Three adults talking and smiling

Reading adventures

Lakeaires Elementary students have been having fun reading "Under the Sea". Students spent the month of February diving into good books and enjoying the scenery in the front entrance of the school, which was transformed to give students a creative reading space. They were excited as they were surrounded by coral, could sit in a submarine and read the words on a page next to a dolphin. The oceanic scenery and literary experience can be seen in this video.

Students reading books

Matoska International students also recently wrapped up "I Love to Read" Month with their Rally4Reading event where local authors visited the school along with read dogs. Those who attended were able to enjoy many fun experiences including free treats, Book BINGO, giant scrabble and ancient scrolls. From one book to the next, Central Middle School students were also recently having fun with reading at school. Students were able to create bookmarks for "I Love to Read" Month and decorate doors in honor of the genre of book they all read. These were both a part of a fun contest where students were judged and received fun recognition!

Central students judging doors as part of a contest

Celebrating success

Birch Lake Elementary students recently celebrated at an all-school assembly because they exceeded their goal of $975 by raising $1,459 for Pennies for Patients. The teachers were so excited they even created a TikTok video that they were all able to enjoy together. Other fourth grade students had fun showcasing their new learning by singing “Fifty Nifty United States”. The fun continued as other students received bear paw awards for going above and beyond recently! The excitement continued at Birch Lake Elementary as students were embracing their creativity by making glow-in-the-dark mandalas that will be used as decorations for the school's upcoming Family Dance Glow Party. Mandalas are a figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism. The fun experience can be seen in this video.

Students creating mandalas

The White Bear Lake Area High School Environmental Club gathered recently at their advisor, Amy Hawkins Donlin’s farm to meet polar explorer and climate scientist, Will Steger. The evening was vibrant and energy flowed with stories of harrowing arctic adventures, survival foods and dog teams, ice shelves and crevasses of teamwork and hope for the future. Will and the students shared ideas and laughs in front of the fire and left the meeting rejuvenated and ready to roll up their sleeves and make a difference in the world! This fun experience was an opportunity for students to meet with Will Steger because they will be hearing them as the keynote speaker at the Climate Fair at Century College on April 8. The Environmental Club is full of exciting news as they also recently learned they received a $2,000 grant through the Race to Reduce initiative with the State of Minnesota! Their grant proposal will be to purchase reusable silverware. Another group of students also received two grants from the state relating to water reduction in toilets and teaching lessons about water conservation to younger students. On March 19, delegates from these teams will go to the second Student Summit on Sustainability at the Science Museum of Minnesota where they will collaborate on a website to promote sustainable communities. 

Students and adult smiling at camera

Activities Update

Ryder Rousseau competed at a high level for the Freeski USASA (United States of America Snowboard and Freeski Association). Ryder placed first in their events and third overall in a recent competition! The WBLAHS Boys' Swim and Dive team recently wrapped up a successful 2019-20 season. It was a successful day recently for the Boys 5/6 (Black division) league who took home the trophies as champions! Their team was even coached by Superintendent Wayne Kazmierczak! Before the March 2 School Board Meeting, the School Board congratulated the following students and staff members for their accomplishments with: Nordic Ski, Wrestling and Gymnastics. Go Bears!

Find a complete list of all WBLAHS Activities, Athletics and Fine Arts here.

Please contact the Communications Department (651-407-7695) to submit Student News for inclusion in future publications. 

The Week in 62.4 Seconds

Enjoy The Week in 62.4 Seconds videos highlighting weekly district activities throughout the school year.

School Board News

School Board Recognitions

Before the March 2 School Board Meeting, the School Board congratulated the following students and staff members for their accomplishments with:

  • Nordic Ski
  • Wrestling
  • Gymnastics

Check out the experience in the March 6 edition of The Week in 62.4 Seconds video.

Student smiling at camera holding certificate
Students and coach smiling at camera holding certificates
Students smiling at camera holding certificates

Each year, high schools across Minnesota host nearly 700 international exchange students. Exchange students are permitted to study for a period of one year, must be vetted and hosted by an exchange program approved by the Minnesota Secretary of State and can participate for one school year. White Bear Lake Area High School has hosted inbound students for many years and supports students who wish to exchange outbound through sponsoring exchange students. The high school community benefits from the presence of international students as they add global perspective and insights to classroom discussions that leads to increased global perspective. At the March 2 School Board meeting, the School Board was introduced to the current inbound students and an outbound student for the 2020-2021 school year. Laura Moreno is an exchange student from Brazil and was even recently selected by their ceramics teacher as Student of the Month! Go Bears!

Adults and students smiling at the camera
Student and adults smiling at the camera

Upcoming Meetings

Past Meeting Highlights

February 24 Special

February 24 Work-Study

March 2 Regular

District News

General Information