Community e-Newsletter
December 29, 2019
In Photos: Embracing experiences
Student News
Leadership opportunities
Lincoln Elementary Principal Dan Schmidt recently stepped aside for a bit as student Mr. Adam Tilsen stepped up to the plate as Principal for the Day at the school. Mr. Adam Tilsen has been getting a first-hand look at what it is like to be a principal of an elementary school by learning about tasks in the role for two half-days recently. Mr. Tilsen and Principal Schmidt started off their second half-day together by greeting students as they walked into the building. Then, they headed over to District Center where they visited a Cabinet meeting and got to meet Cabinet members. After this, Principal Schmidt and Mr. Adam Tilsen were able to tour the rest of District Center. The fun experience can be seen in this video.
WBLAHS - South Campus students were recently able to exercise their interview skills by participating in mock interviews as part of their Consumer Econ: Living On Your Own class. Students were able to enhance their interview skills by answering questions staff members asked them including what their strengths are, what their lifelong dreams are and why they should be hired? The experience can be seen in this video. The fun continued as students at Vadnais Heights Elementary were able to enjoy watching "The Polar Express" and fifth grade students had fun with a Book Tasting where they walked around the room and decided on new books to take home during Winter Break to read. These were new books to the students who picked them out and they are able to keep the books. This was a fun way to encourage students to read during their days out of school. While Vadnais Heights Elementary students enjoyed a book tasting, other students and teachers throughout the district helped create a video to wish all a happy Winter Break. Thank you to Willow Lane Elementary Teacher Erica Lemke, Lincoln Elementary Teacher Abby Kath and students in their classes for helping create this fun video where students advised their teachers how they should relax during Winter Break.
Impressive performances
It was an exciting time for the White Bear Lake Area High School Choirs, as they sang away for friends, families and community members at their first annual December Dinner. Performances from all eight White Bear Lake Area High School Choirs served as entertainment during a three-course meal catered by Donatelli's. This year's theme was "Winter Around the World" and featured global music from various holiday traditions. In other performance news, members of the WBLAHS Mariners Choir performed around the district last week, including a stop at Cerenity Care Center. Go Bears!
Central Middle School students recently competed in a Baking Contest. The students had to plan, prepare, plate and describe their entries for judging and clean up. The three adult and three student judges ranked the entries on taste, presentation and creativity. They were all great contestants, worked together and supported one another. The winners of the contest were Clara Seeley and Ella Paradise with Oreo Truffles who received a small prize (candy molds). Other items baked were peppermint ice cream, mint brownies, chocolate toffee bars, tree crepes with gingerbread frosting, double chocolate chip cookies, apple crisp, homemade rainbow oreo cookies, chocolate covered pretzels and brownies.
Creative processes
Sunrise Park Middle School AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) students recently were busy solving problems as part of their AVID Tutorials. One student from each group would stand up by the white board and write their point of confusion on the board while their classmates would ask them questions to help them reach the answer. The great collaborative work can be seen in this video.
Students in the Transition Education Center's Entrepreneurship class have started a school-based business, Bear Boards & More. The business uses an AP Lazer engraving machine to create personalized products. The first product the class will be customizing is cutting boards. They are excited to have a partnership with Farmhouse Style Furniture, who is making the cutting boards for the students to engrave. In time, this school-based business would like to expand and personalize products made of glass, plastic, metals and other materials. Entrepreneurship skills strengthen career exploration and encourage students to learn skills in the areas of: marketing, teamwork, problem solving, creativity, computer skills, time management, customer service, budgeting, website development and product selection. The fun cutting board creating process can be seen in this video. They will be selling the cutting boards soon.
Spreading kindness
Willow Lane Elementary kindergarten students recently partnered with their 4th Grade Buddies to enjoy a special winter service project making Brownies in a Jar to give to others who need some cheering during this winter season. The idea came from the book “Trees of the Dancing Goats” by Patricia Polacco, which encourages others to give, spread kindness and act as a caring friend to others. From one kind act to another, middle school wrestling students recently were a shining example of putting others first. At a wrestling tournament, they recently presented long-stemmed roses to the Forest Lake Wrestling Booster Club President on behalf of Forest Lake’s Head Wrestling Coach’s wife, who is battling cancer.
Vadnais Heights Elementary preschool students recently headed outside where they picked up their sleds and enjoyed some time in the snow. This was a fun opportunity for them to enjoy being active in nature! From being active outdoors to being active tying blankets, Lincoln Elementary students recently enjoyed a great experience together tying blankets with their school buddies as part of a school-wide service project. These blankets will support new mothers and babies in need. As 2019 wraps up, it's fitting to share a visual representation of the year's most often used 624 Fact words... and it's not surprising that the most prominent word is "Bears"! Happy New Year!
Activities Update
WBLAHS athlete Brice Peters was recently highlighted in the White Bear Press for their "double duty day," competing on both the football field and the basketball court. WBLAHS boys' hockey goalie Tyler Steffens was recently named the KSTP Prep Athlete of the Week. Go Bears!
Find a complete list of all WBLAHS Activities, Athletics and Fine Arts here.
Please contact the Communications Department (651-407-7695) to submit Student News for inclusion in future publications.
The Week in 62.4 Seconds
Enjoy The Week in 62.4 Seconds videos highlighting weekly district activities throughout the school year.
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